Genomix is Nigeria’s leading provider of innovative healthcare and lifestyle solutions based on preventive genetic testing. We offer a wide variety of clinical genetic tests. Our tests adhere to the highest standards of quality and are based on the latest scientific discoveries.

Introduction to NIFTY
The NIFTY™ test is a non-invasive prenatal test (commonly termed an NIPT) that screens for Down Syndrome and certain other genetic conditions caused by extra or missing genetic information in the baby’s DNA.
Advantages Of NIFTY
The NIFTY test is a safe and non-invasive procedure. It carries no risk of miscarriage.
Over 99% sensitivity for detection of trisomy conditions such as Down syndrome.
Test with as little as 10 ml maternal blood sample as early as week 10 of pregnancy.
About 3,000,000 tests have been conducted worldwide with a false positive rate of just 0.1%.
Unity Test in Nigeria
UNITY test allows all women to have access to safe, accurate and affordable prenatal screening for sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, alpha thalassemia, and beta-thalassemia.